Koganezaki is famous for its friendly octopuses, large schools of fish, squids nests, cute juveniles, a curious snapper Dai-chan, diverse shrimp gobies, blennies and other rare animals. We will do a day of beach diving (with an optional night dive) and a day of boat diving on pinnacles with beautiful soft corals.
SCHEDULE August, 30 (Fri) - leave Tokyo in the evening, aiming to be at the hotel around 9-10pm August, 31 (Sat) - 2 shore dives in Koganezaki (possible to add third dive and night dive) September,1 (Sun) - 2 boat dives in Koganezaki, leaving for Tokyo around 2-3pm
2 nights at a nearby hotel (shared rooms with futons)
2 guided shore dives
2 guided boat dives
ADDITIONAL COSTS Bento---------------------------------------------------------------------1,000 JPY/day Extra dive ----------------------------------------------------------------2,500 JPY Night dive----------------------------------------------------------------3,500 JPY Upgrade to 12L tanks----------------------------------------------+600 JPY/tank
TRANSPORTATION We will help to facilitate carpool, public transportation is not available for this location
FOOD Breakfast - please bring your own, there are a few shops and combinis close to hotel Lunch - you can order a bento through us or bring your own food Dinner - arranged at the hotel
NOTES - Coming for a day trip or staying in different hotel is possible as long as you arrange your own transportation (contact us for special requests at info@tokyofrogs.com)
- If you are diving with us for the first time, you will need to show proof of certification, logbook (last dive should not be more than 1 year ago), sign a medical waiver and a release waiver. We will contact you prior to the trip and provide additional details